This trip is going by way too fast for my liking. I was just thinking about it last night on the bus ride from San Marco to Settignano and I realized that I have one week of class then Spring Break, another week of class then Umbria and Perugia, then two weeks and we're off to Rome. Where did all the time go?! I'm finally comfortable in Florence and then I have to leave. It just doesn't seem fair, does it? It's funny, though, because I don't really feel out of place in Italy. Yes, there is the language barrier, but everything seems local to me. It's almost as if I was born to be here but that I was chosen to have the awe of this experience instead. I've met SO many awesome people, both from the US and Europe, that I hope to keep in contact with even when I'm back in Kansas City.
There is still so much for me to do here and I'm starting to think I won't get to see all of Florence as I intended to when I originally decided to study here. I'm starting to do exactly what I said I wouldn't. I'm over-planning myself so I can see a bunch of some things instead of all of everything.
It's still pretty cold here, as you can probably tell from the stocking cap in my most recent picture, but I wish it would warm up just a little so that I wouldn't have to constantly be messing with my sweatshirts and coats. But what can you do? On the bright side, it has kept most of the cities relatively empty because no one wants to travel when it's this cold. I'm also glad I brought that Royals' stocking cap with me because it's warm and it gets attention. Yesterday I ran into a few Americans because one of them was shocked and yelled KANSAS CITY. It was great fun.
I've added a poll section to my blog in the top right (sorry you have to be logged in to vote... I can't change it!)
Love you guys. Thank you for reading my stuff even if it has been a little bit... interesting sometimes. We've reached a special place... spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically.
God bless!
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