27 February 2011

The Italian Job... I mean... my trip to Venice...

So I'm quite sleep deprived from my venture to Venice, but I really enjoyed the city. There will be a link to all my photos in the top right, per usual, so have a look.

Kind of felt like I was in the Italian Job all day. Venice is a great town, especially during Carnivale, but it was absolutely crazy! It was funny because even in all those people I was able to find the students from Rome that I had met last night. Did I mention there were pigeons everywhere?

I spent most of the day by myself and it was really fun. I got lost completely in Venice and was able to see things that I doubt I would've seen with the group. After I had sufficiently explored, I headed back to Florence early. I was planning on leaving Sunday morning, but I realized how stupid that was about half way through my day when my feet started to hurt and I was getting tired of lugging around my bag.
No idea what this is called, so I'll come up with my own name for it.
Really Big Dome on the Other Side of the Canal That I Couldn't Reach.
Every mode of transportation I used was utterly packed the entire weekend. When I go back to Venice later in my life, I need to remember how crazy it was during Carnivale and either rent a car or go another time.
I really liked this entire statue. It had four sides plus the main one on top. Fantastic.
I had so much to say inside my head on the four hour train ride back to Florence, but now most of it has vanished. I'm SO glad I decided to come back early instead of staying until 3:30 tomorrow morning... holy cow am I glad I did it my way.
Every time I see a mask like this I think of the Carnivale scene from The Count of Monte Cristo.
I'm going to sleep in tomorrow. Woo! One more week then Spring Break to Germany, Austria, and Milan. This semester is going by WAY too fast. I'm already half way through (more or less) the entirety of my studies here. Sad...

God bless! Love you guys :)

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